Vect-Horus develops inventions and technologies derived from the BBB and Neuroinflammation Team in the Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP-UMR7051) directed by Dr. Michel Khrestchatisky, also cofounder of the company. Vect-Horus has established a long-term highly efficient collaboration with the BBB and Neuroinflammation Team and is now member of the INP in the context of a “Laboratoire Commun de Recherche (LCR)” as the basis for a solid academic-industry partnership.
The company has also interactions with other academic laboratories in Marseille (INT, CERIMED, CRCM, ICR etc.), and Paris region (CEA Saclay, Inserm Paris etc.).
Moreover, the company has established a number of research partnerships with biotechnology and pharma companies and is continuing its intensive international development. This relocation in larger space supports its development.
With 32 employees, 30 of whom are scientists, Vect-Horus develops its expertise around research platforms including the discovery and chemical optimization of vectors, the development and production of conjugates via chemistry or genetic engineering approaches, in vitro BBB models based on endothelial cells from rodents or human, derived from iPSc, Oncology and Pharmacology.